Regrouping Legs to Different Positions

Did Wingman not group your Legs or Transactions into the Positions you want? Here's how to customize your grouping.

1. Expand a Position to see its Legs. If you want to move this Leg to a new position or another existing position, you can do so by clicking the "Actions" menu on the right.

2. "Move Leg into Existing Position" will make blue "HERE" buttons appear for all valid Positions that it can move into. Click the one you want it to move into.
A Position is valid if it is in the same account and the same underlying.

3. Notice the Leg is now in the target Position, and the metrics for both the target and previous Positions automatically updated.
If you don't see the previous Position it moved from, that's because it was the last Leg and therefore auto-deleted the empty Position.

This same exact process can be applied at the individual Transaction level too (the level if you expand the Leg further).

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