Marking Positions as Closed

When you close a trade, Wingman gives you the chance to review it on Open Positions page before moving to the Closed Positions page.

Open positions with a quantity of 0 will be labeled "ready to close". After you've reviewed the position's data to make sure it looks right, you can click the green check icon to move it to Closed Positions page and off of Open Positions.

Have a lot of positions to mark as closed? 

You can (optionally) click the filter status/badge at the top of the page to only show positions that you "Should Mark as Closed". Then click the "Expand All Underlyings" button to show all positions at once. You'll be able to rapid-fire through the positions to mark them as closed.

Closed out a trade in your brokerage platform but it's still open in Wingman?

If you closed out the trade in your brokerage platform but Wingman still doesn't let you close this because it's a non-zero quantity, that means the closing transaction(s) didn't get imported. This should be rare. To manually add a closing order, open up the position to see any non-zero legs that are still open. Then at the leg level, click the Actions menu on the right side and "Add Closing Transaction". You should be able to close the position once all legs have 0 quantity.

It is good Wingman tracking hygiene to keep your Open Positions page clear of closed-out positions!

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