Fidelity Trades CSV Instructions

Follow these steps to download your trades CSV file from Fidelity and import into Wingman.

  1. Once logged onto your Fidelity account on, select the Accounts & Trade menu and the Account Positions page.
  2. Click on the Activity & Orders tab (#1 in the screenshot below).
  3. Select a date range from the date dropdown.
    Note: I recommend choosing the Custom tab (#2 in the screenshot below). The earliest start date allowed is the day you added the account to Wingman.
  4. Download the file as a CSV (#3 in the screenshot below).

  5. Save the file to any folder on your computer. Don't open it on your computer before uploading to Wingman, as it will autoreformat and cause problems.
  6. 🎉 Upload your file to its respective account at the top of the Import Trades page.
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