Delete a Transaction, Leg, or Strategy

Did you import a transaction that you didn't mean to? Not to worry - removing a transaction is easy.

If you want to modify a transaction instead, please review our article on Editing a Transaction.

  1. Find the transaction that you wish to delete on the Open Positions page.
  2. Click on Actions in the transaction you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete transaction.
  4. Click Ok in the confirmation popup.
  5. The transaction was deleted. If the transaction was the sole member of a leg and/or strategy, those rows will be deleted as well.

Deleting a Leg

Deleting an entire leg follows the same steps as deleting a transaction. Be aware that deleting a leg will delete all transactions within that leg.

  1. Find the leg that you wish to delete on the Open Positions page.
  2. Click on Actions in the leg you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete Leg.
  4. Click Ok in the confirmation popup.
  5. The leg will be deleted.

Deleting a Strategy

You can even delete an entire strategy - which will delete all legs and transactions within that strategy.

  1. Find the strategy that you wish to delete on the Open Positions page.
  2. Click on the trash can symbol in the strategy you wish to delete.
  3. Click Ok in the confirmation popup.
  4. The strategy and all legs and transactions underneath it are now deleted. If that was the last strategy in the underlying, then the underlying will be removed as well.
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