Negative Days to Expiration (DTE)

Sometimes, one of your positions may display a negative value for days to expiration (DTE). Don’t fret - the usual cause of the issue is that some data wasn’t imported into Wingman. For example, when an option was assigned or exercised over the weekend and the data wasn’t imported into Wingman. An easy step to overlook as most users do not actively trade over the weekend.

On some occasions, the cause of the issue is that the data is not included in the CSV file exported from the brokerage. In this scenario, the only way to resolve the issue is to manually close a position.

In the example above, the UPS short vertical call is showing a negative days to expiration. The option contract has an expiry date of February 05, but the current date (of the screenshot) was February 19, meaning that this option is 14 days past expiry. The cause was that no closing transaction data for this option was imported into Wingman. Once the closing transaction was imported, either via CSV import or manual entry, the position was updated and closed successfully.

The image above shows the two closing transactions that were manually added to close the position. Note that even after a closing transaction was imported, the position and legs will still show negative days to expiration on the Open Positions screen. Wingman calculates days to expiration from the current date even if the position and all legs are closed.

To resolve this issue, import your data into Wingman like you normally do, just be sure to include the weekend dates when exporting the CSV from your broker. For example, when exporting trades from your broker on a Monday, make sure to extend the date range to include Saturday and Sunday as well. Also, make sure to select exercise and assignment transaction types when exporting data from your broker. Refer to the other help documents specific to your broker for instructions on exporting data.

Alternatively, you can submit manual transactions into Wingman to record the exercise/assignment. You can learn about importing manual transactions by reading the Manually Importing a Transaction article.

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